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About MIEA

Montana Indian Education Association’s vision is to provide opportunities and resources to further thriving sovereign tribal nations through excellence in education, pre-school through post-secondary. 

Montana Indian Education Association (MIEA) promotes and advances equitable opportunity for academic success so that Montana’s American Indian students are provided with an education that acknowledges, affirms and includes their rich cultural diversity in every aspect of the educational experience. By serving as an essential link between Montana’s diverse tribal communities and educational institutions, MIEA holds all accountable for improving social, cultural and academic achievement. 


Belief Statements:


  • American Indian students deserve highly skilled educators who believe in, expect, encourage, and are fueled by student success.

  • American Indian students learn best when their unique cultural and academic needs are met through high quality instruction that sustains culturally responsive education.

  • American Indian students deserve a safe and nurturing learning environment.


  • The delivery of a quality education requires the partnership of: students & their families, elders, community and educational institutions.

  • A community educated in culture and academia is the foundation for thriving tribal nations.


  1. Aid in development and recommendation of curricula and methodology relative to educational programs provided to Indian students pre-school through post-secondary. 

  2. Promote a cooperative approach to solve educational challenges for all American Indian students by establishing partnerships with educational institutions and organizations, parents, students, and interested individuals.

  3. Support positive educational and historical societies, programs or initiatives dealing with or involving American Indians for the purpose of increasing awareness of the true histories, contributions and cultural differences of American Indian tribes and peoples to secure a positive place in society.

  4. Function as a liaison for information concerning American Indian educational opportunities, scholarships and historical information and act as a screening agency for programs involving Indian Education.

  5. Recommend and  advocate for possible legislation to Tribal, Federal, state, and local governments, which would improve the educational and leadership level of Indian people; and, encourage the active participation of American Indians in developing a stronger voice in the development and implementation of laws and policies that impact American Indians.

Montana Indian Education Association - MIEA

non-profit # 81-0537338
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